We're planning a Family Reunion! Save this page to your favorites and keep returning to see what's new.
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Share this website with as many family members as possible and ask everyone to register.
More to come!
We hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. It is our pleasure to invite you to our upcoming family reunion, which will take place on July 22-23, 2023, in St. Louis, Missouri.
This year’s reunion promises to be an exciting and memorable event filled with delicious food, fun activities, and plenty of opportunities to catch up with family members both near and far. Our picnic will be held at 11 am Spanish Lake on July 22nd. We will worship together at 11 am on July 23rd at Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church. We would love to have you join us for this special occasion.
The price is $85 (ages 16 and up), $65 (ages 4-15), and no cost for children up to age 3. We know that attending a reunion can be expensive, so we wanted to offer a way for everyone to help cover the costs by selling popcorn. You’ll be contributing to the success of our reunion and helping to keep costs down for everyone.
Please complete the enclosed form to let us know if you will be able to attend, if you plan on bringing any guests, and if you would like to volunteer to sell popcorn. We ask that you RSVP and submit your deposit (half the cost) no later than May 1st so that we can finalize our arrangements. You can do so by completing the form and mailing it to us or going to the 2023 Registration page.
For questions and concerns, please email us at hearnmillerfamily@gmail.com or contact Marceta (Miller) Brooks at 469-369-2511.
Thank you for considering our invitation, and we hope to see you there.
Your 2023 Family Reunion Committee